
Adsense Keyword Tips

Higher Infolinks CTR - Optimization Tips

Optimizing your Infolinks in text advertising for higher click thru rates (CTR) is very easy. Unlike other CPC or PPC programs, such as Adsense or Adbrite, there are really only three changes that you have to make. Changing the look of your Infolinks ads will increase the likelihood a visitor will click on them.

First, the best choice for Infolinks text color will be the color of your other links on your site. This will help them blend in to your content. Remember, some people are web advertisement savy, and will skip over anything they think is an ad, regardless of how relevant or useful it could be to them.

The second Infolinks optimization tip is to change the default double underline to a single underline. Some people may argue this, and rightfully so if the default option makes them more money. But, ultimately, most people see higher CTR in Infolinks with the single underline.

The last Infolinks optimization tip is to set the max number of ads to display top the maximum allowed. This will increase the likelihood one of your ads will connect with a reader, enticing them to click on the link.

Hope this helps!

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